A good friend was transferred to NYC to manage a women’s shoe store in Herald Square. Over lunch sometimes, when we were both living in NYC, she would share with me valuable me sales tips. This one day in particular she said, “It’s helpful when you are resourceful and provide what they need – sometimes they don’t know what they need.”
She continued by sharing how a customer would come into the store looking for a classic black pump heel. She would bring out that pump and also provide the same pump in brown. Additionally, she’d bring out a ‘rando’ pump that was the hottest selling pump of the season. Four times out of ten customers would purchase that second pump, two times out of ten they would purchase the rando, and every once in a while – they’d purchase both!
What’s your brown and rando pump when customers ask about a black pump?
Alix Morrow is the Founder and Chief-Make-It-Happenator at AlixCompany based in Austin, Texas. AlixCompany helps brands move the meter from thinking to knowing by truly getting in-stream with consumers in today’s marketplace. For more information about our qualitative, quantitative, and planner-for-awhile (PFA) services please visit www.alixcompany.com or call us at 512-537-8503. We make house calls and welcome referrals.