Had a great conversation yesterday with Dan Carlton, Founder of PlannerU.com. Dan and I discuss all things PlannerU – the who, what, and why. PlannerU is a great new resource that exists to expand and grow the skill set of Account Planners by making comprehensive education in brand planning a realistic possibility for more students and giving voice to fresh perspectives in strategic thinking. It’s set up as two types of curriculum with courses and tutorials each costing between $10 and $79. Check it out at www.PlannerU.com and take a listen to our recorded Dialogue by clicking on the link below.
**Use discount code “Alix” for 20% off a posted course or tutorial!!**
Dialogue with Dan Carlton
Founding Partner, The PARAGRAPH Project & Founder, PlannerU
Topic: The who, what, and why of PlannerU
August 28, 2018
30 minutes
Dan Carlton Dialogue (click here)