Click here to listen to the 53 minute Dialogue.
If B2B sales is not your forte – this #Dialogue podcast with Liz J. Simpson, Founder of Stimulyst, is for you!
Liz and I both sparked at the idea of tailoring the Dialogue for freelancers and especially expert-level practitioners. With that in mind our Dialogue covers these headers:
- When it’s right to prioritize sales
- The role of new business prospecting
- The ebb and flow of time-based-consulting work (and how to flatten the curve)
- Building value-based relationships with emotional intelligence
- Why knowing the status quo of your existing and/or potential client’s business is so important within efforts to qualify and quantify buyers
- Deriving ROI for your service-based business
- Stimulyst services & coaching platforms which include: EDGE, BIGMONEYTALK, and the You in USP