One of my favorite classes to teach is headed to BiGAUSTIN again in September. Please find specifics, including a link to register, below:
WHAT: Strategic Messaging class with Alix Morrow
WHEN: Thursday, Sept 12th from 11:30am-1pm
WHERE: BiGAUSTIN, 5407 North IH 35, Suite 200
COST: Free! [Registration required — link below]
FYI: This class will be recorded / excerpts from the audience may be captured on film
Did you know that what you advertise, sell, and make money on can be three different things? In Strategic Messaging, you will learn how to tailor your brand message for meaningful dialogue. We will start by understanding the relationship of your product to consumers and the marketplace. After a brief discussion and exercise on differentiation, each participant will craft their very own brand positioning statement. At the conclusion of the session you will have the tools to build and leverage your brand effectively across all forms of communications.
– Link to be posted on the 12th on this calendar shortly…